Leadership Workshops

The Student Leadership and Involvement Center now has a menu of leadership and student involvement workshops available for student organizations, resident advisors, and any other group or class that would like to request us called the Leadership Exchange. You can request a workshop for your entire group or for your executive board. The scheduled workshops are below. Most workshops can be adapted to run between 15 minutes and one hour, unless otherwise noted. Please contact Molly Salisbury or Joey Kimes for more information.

Communication: Communication is key in helping any group be successful. Learn some communication strategies and ways to improve how you work with others.

Programming 101: Do you need to know more about developing a large campus program? This workshop will help student organizations develop a plan if they are trying to bring a large campus program or need some help knowing how to get through the process.

Recruitment and Retention: For student organizations that are having trouble recruiting or retaining members or for organizations that just need to step it up; this presentation offers a little bit of both and ends with how to reward your organization membership.

Transitions: Does your organization need help planning officer transitions? We can help a student plan an effective transition meeting or we can also help facilitate a transition meeting so that your organization will be set up for success by the previous officers.

Conflict Management: Do you need help figuring out how to address conflict in your organization? Are you having a hard time holding people accountable? We can help when those tough subject arise.

Meeting Management: Do you want to learn how to run a meeting more efficiently and effectively? We can help you figure out how to get the most out of your meetings with some easy tips and tricks. 

Team Building: Is your team new and still figuring each other out? We can provide you with tips for fun ice breakers and team building activities as your new team forms. 

Goal Setting: As a leader you're responsible for helping to create the vision of your organization. We are here to help you make those goals more manageable and help your dreams become a reality. 

Supervising v. Advising Your Peers: It's hard to be a leader when you have to lead your peers. We'll give you some tips on how to best figure out your management style as a leader. 

Workshops Outside of the Student Leadership and Involvement Center

The Student Leadership and Involvement Cetner recognizes there are other offices on campus who have more expertise on specific subjects than we might have. Below is some information about these offices and what they might be able to offer you.

Campus Ministry
Need help planning a retreat or reflection activity for your organization? The Campus Ministry office is available to help plan or even come to your organization's meeting. Visit their website or contact 402-280-2779 for more information.

Career Center
For workshops or information on career development topics, such as resume writing or interview tips, contact careercenter@creighton.edu or visit their website.

Schlegel Center for Service and Justice
Join their weekly update by sending an email to scsj@creighton.edu for one-time service and justice events. This office can help with setting up service sites and service reflection activities. They will also be able to assist if your group has an interest in a specific social justice issue. In addition to these services, the SCSJ can do Community Orientations of North Omaha, South Omaha, or Sustainability Efforts in Omaha (minimum 3 hours) for small groups of student leaders (5-8). Visit their website or contact them at scsj@creighton.edu for more information or to request one of these services. 

Violence, Intervention, and Prevention Center:  The VIP Center offers trainings and workshops on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, harassment, stalking, bullying, and cyberbullying.  If you're interested in having the VIP Center present to your group, please contact respect@creighton.edu for more information or visit our website.

Peer Education At Creighton (PEAC): Peer educators facilitate interactive workshops that discuss important areas of health and wellness that are critical to living a well-balanced and healthy college life.  PEAC is able to present on alcohol, fitness, nutrition, body image, and is happy to work with your group on other health related topics.  Contact PEAC to set up a workshop for your group!