Service Request Form

Computer and electronic recycling

DoIT and EH&S are modifying the process to dispose of unused Creighton owned computers and their peripherals. Work orders now go to DoIT, not to Facilities Management. More information can be found here.

About the Service Request Form

Our software application, AiM, is used to process service requests.

By submitting a work request you are assuming responsibility for any financial charges that may result from the request.

Submit requests for the following example items:
    * Non-Emergency Maintenance
    * Moving Services
    * Custodial Services
    * Custodial Supplies
    * Keys
    * Estimates for Painting or Renovations
Your work request will be addressed according to the order it was received. The requested desired date is not a guaranteed work date.

Request for priority over other non-emergency work in the queue may incur overtime rate charges or contractor rates if the work cannot be done in-house within your required timeline.

Most departments have a facilities liason assigned to submit work requests.  Please submit work requests through that person so that the correct authorization comes with the request.

If you are the facilities liason to submit requests for your department and are not familiar with AiM, please see below.

Individuals must be set-up as Users before they can access AiM to submit requests. There are designated personnel within each department that have access to AiM, and they are asked to submit all requests for their department.
If you are a new employee designated to submit work orders for your department please call x2780 to be set up as a User.
After you have been set up, you can log in to the system using your Net ID and the password given to you.

Once you have logged in, you are able to change your password by clicking on the System Administration module. Instructions for using AiM, including how to change your password are available.
If you forget your password or have exceeded your attempts, please call 402-280-2780 to request a password reset.
Please continue to call 402-280-2780 with all emergency service requests.
Thank you ~ Facilities Management