Grading Policies

Grading Policies and Criteria

All students in World Literature courses are uniformly evaluated according to the methods, standards, and guidelines established by the College of Arts and Sciences (see "Creighton University Academic Administration: Examinations and Grading"), the English Department, and the World Literature Program. All written work is graded according to the criteria set forth in the document:

"Grading of Essays and Other Written Work"

Outcomes-assessment final exam essays are graded using a special grading sheet (see "Grading Sheet for Outcomes-Assessment Essays"). Instructors are asked to take all of the following factors into account in the calculation of a student's grade:

Papers and Other Writing (25-60%)
Final Exam (15-30%)
Quizzes and Other Exams (15-30%)
Class Participation (10-25%)
Other Assignments (5-10%)